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Life of Tools at the OTL

Where does our Webstore inventory come from?

The Tool Library receives many generous donations of new and used tools. Depending on the needs of the library’s inventory these tools may be added to the Library for members to borrow. If not, we may donate them to another organization in need (community garden, other not-for-profit organizations, etc.) or we sell them via this Webstore with all proceeds going towards supporting the operations of the Library.

Tool Donations Team

We have an amazing tool donations team full of good people working with generous donors on finding ways to keep tools out of landfills.


We test all our tools thoroughly to check for functionality and quality. The ones that make the cut are circulated in our library inventory. If we have an excess of certain tools, they will go to a different home via our community partners or through the Webstore!

Community Support

We work with a number of charitable and not-for-profit organizations throughout the Ottawa-Gatineau area.